The K-body: Corporeal Management and New Masculinity in South Korea

Dans le cadre du cycle de séminaire “Current Research on East Asia” de la Graduate School of East Asian Studies (, nous accueillons le jeudi 9 février 18h00-19h30 (salle Léon Vandermeersch, 481 C, Bâtiment des Grands Moulins) Kenneth Sewoong Koo.

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The K-body: Corporeal Management and New Masculinity in South Korea
Conférencier : Kenneth Sewoong Koo (Korea Exposé)

The recent emergence of South Korea as a new center of global popular culture has meant that the ideals of the physical self as presented by such products have fueled arguments for creation of an alternate, more affirmative 21st-century corporeal standard, not least in light of the putatively Korean mode of masculinity, and feminity by extension, as models that delegitimize outdated notions of gender identity, in particular ‘toxic masculinity’ of the yore.

In examining the discourse of corporeal management in South Korea over the past two decades, this lecture calls into question this ostensibly liberating aspect of the new, so-called ‘Korean masculinity’ and explores an increasingly onerous regulatory regime that envisions the birth of a new docile consumer base.

Se-Woong Koo is founder of Korea Exposé, an independent media outlet that operated from 2014 to 2019 with a focus on the Korean Peninsula. He earned his PhD from Stanford University, and has been a postdoctoral research fellow at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, a Henry Hart Rice Foundation Faculty Fellow and Lecturer at Yale University, and a member of the faculty at the Asian University for Women. He currently works as an independent researcher and contributes to The New York Times, BBC, The New York Magazine, Al Jazeera and other publications on the topic of Korean society and politics.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Eun-joo Carrè-Na (31 janvier 2023). The K-body: Corporeal Management and New Masculinity in South Korea. Carnets du Centre Corée. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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