Changing border landscapes in East Asia: The cases of Kinmen (Taiwan) and West Sea 5 Islands (Korea)

Dans le cadre du séminaire Intelligences de la Corée, animé par Alain Delissen, directeur d’études de l’EHESS, Valérie Gelézeau, directrice d’études de l’EHESS, etIsabelle Sancho, chargée de recherche au CNRS,

Park, Bae-Gyoon, profésseur invité de l’EHESS

présente une conférence intitulée

Changing border landscapes in East Asia: The cases of Kinmen (Taiwan) and West Sea 5 Islands (Korea)

le 29 mars de 10 h à 12 h – Salle de cours RdCh., Maison de l’Asie, 22 avenue du président Wilson, Paris 16e. 

This lecture explores the changing border landscapes in Kinmen island (Taiwan) and West Sea 5 Islands (Korea). On the basis of a relational view to territory and border, in particular, it suggests that both border regions cannot be solely explained on the basis of the logics of security and territoriality; instead, they need to be seen in terms of complex interactions between the logics of mobility and territoriality, and as zones of compromise between geo-political fear and geo-economic hope. At the same time, the differences between both border regions will be discussed. The border region in Kinmen can be seen as a channel of cross-border exchange and flows because it is more oriented toward the logics of mobility and economies. On the contrary, the border regions in the West Sea 5 Islands (Korea) can be characterized as a place of conflict and tensions because they are more centered on the logics of territory and security.

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Eun-joo Carrè-Na (1 mars 2019). Changing border landscapes in East Asia: The cases of Kinmen (Taiwan) and West Sea 5 Islands (Korea). Carnets du Centre Corée. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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