Encyclopédie / Généralité
- Korea knowledge portal 국가지식포탈 (DB national)
- EncyKorea 한국민족문화대백과
- Korean Studies Advancement Center 국학진흥원
- Korean History on Line 한국역사통합
- Nate Korean studies DB (généralité)
- 한국사 데이터베이스 (국사편찬위원회)
- Korea Legislation Research Institute (한국법제연구원)
- 韓國 歲時風俗 事典 한국 세시 풍속사전
Glossaire / Dictionnaires
- 국가통계포털 (KOSIS: Korean Statistical Information Service)
- 경제통계시스템 (ECOS: Economic Statistics System, The Bank of Korea)
- 교육통계서비스 (Korea National Center for Education Statistics & Information)
- 노동통계 (Labor Statistics)
- 미디어통계정보시스템 (MEDIASIS: Media Statistics Information System)
- 무역통계시스템 (Korea Customs Service)
Press /médias (libres)
- 미디어가온 (media GAON) Archive de journaux anciens (KPF)
- Naver News Library 경향신문, 매일경제, 동아일보, 한겨레 창간부터 1999까지 아카이브
- Journaux avant 1945
Films coréens
- Korea Film Council
- 한국영화 데이터베이스 (Korean movie Database, KMDb)
- Korean Film Archive (KOFA)
- 70 anciens films coréens offerts sur YouTube avec sous-titrage anglais
Ressources primaires (libres)
- Anciens documents occidentaux sur la Corée 한국관련 서양고서 DB (The Myongji-LG Koreqn Studies Library)
- DB of Korean classics 한국고전번역원
- Seungjeongwon, the Royal Secretariat 승정원일기
- Annals Choson Dynasty 조선왕조실록
- Personages historiques 역대인물종합
- Korean Old & Rare Collection 한국고전적종합목록
- Références sur le Confucianisme 유교
- Northeast Asian History Foundation 동북아역사재단
- Ancient books about Korea online
- E-Asia by the University of Oregon Library
- 復勳都監儀軌 Rituels et cérémoniques politiques
- William Richard Carles and Korea
- 2,600 volumes from the Asami collection
- 15 volumes of “Chosen koseki zufu” (朝鮮古蹟圖譜 조선고적도보 Joseon Gojeok Dobo)
Périodiques libres en ligne
- Korean Histories / Centre for Korean Studies at Leiden University
- 한국영화 (Films coréens) / Korean Film Council
- Korea Focus / Korea Foundation
- Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review / Korea University and UC Berkeley
Corée du sud
- Land Portal 국토정보포탈
- Human Settlements (KRIHS) 국토연구원
- Geographic Information Studies 한국지리정보학회
- Seoul Development Institute 서울시정개발연구원
- Geographic portail 국토정보 유용사이트
- The Two Koreas and the Third World (Wilson Center Digital Archive) : The North Korea International Documentation Project has recently obtained and translated more than sixty documents from Romanian and Hungarian archives on the struggle between North Korea and South Korea to gain diplomatic recognition from countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. The documents are being made available to students, researchers, and interested readers through a collection entitled The Two Koreas and the Third World on the Wilson Center Digital Archive as part of a broader project on the history of inter-Korean relations supported by the ROK Ministry of Unification.
Corée du nord
- 조선통신 (북한신문)
- 38 North
- North Korean Nuclear History (Wilson Center Digital Archive): Newly obtained materials from the former Soviet Union indicate that North Korea expressed an interest in developing nuclear energy as early as 1958, though the DPRK insisted it was for “peaceful purposes.” The North Korean Ambassador requested Soviet scientific aid and was informed by Gromyko that the request would “undoubtedly be considered in a favorable spirit.”
Archive national
Images /Cartes (libres)
- The AGSL Digital Photo Archive
- 1861 map “Daedong yeojido” or “Territorial map of the Great East”
- North Korea Atlas (1997) scanné par Michael Rank
- Korean Independence Movement Pamphlet, 1919
- Korea Maps (American Geographical Society Library)
- Kim Nyung-man “P’anmunjôm”
- Pictori enables users to upload, manage, share, and use all kinds of images related to Korean studies
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1890
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1900
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1905
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1910
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1920
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1925
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1930
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1935
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1940
- History of Seoul Korea ~ 1945
- History of Seoul Korea 1945 ~
- History of Seoul Korea 1952 ~
- History of Seoul Korea 1960 ~
- History of Seoul Korea 1965 ~
- History of Seoul Korea 1970 ~
- History of Seoul Korea 1975 ~
- History of Seoul Korea 1980 ~
- History of Korea ~ 1900
- History of Korea ~ 1910
- History of Korea ~ 1920
- History of Korea ~ 1930
- History of Korea ~ 1940
- History of Korea ~ 1950
- History of Korea 1950 ~
- History of Korea 1960 ~
- History of Korea 1970 ~
- History of Korea 1980 ~
- History of Korea 1990 ~
- History of Korea Image ~ 1890
- History of Korea Image ~ 1900
- History of Korea Image ~ 1905
- History of Korea Image ~ 1910
- History of Korea Image ~ 1920
- History of Korea Image ~ 1930
- History of Korea Image ~ 1940
- History of Korea Image ~ 1945
- History of Korea Image ~ 1950
- History of Korea Image 1950 ~
- History of Korea Image 1952 ~
- History of Korea Image 1955 ~
- History of Korea Image 1960 ~
- History of Korea Image 1965 ~
- History of Korea Image 1970 ~
- History of Korea Image 1975 ~
- History of Korea Image 1980 ~
- History of Korea Image 1990 ~
- History of Korea Design ~ 1880
- History of Korea Design ~ 1900
- History of Korea Design 1900 ~
- History of Korea Design 1910 ~
- History of Korea Design 1920 ~
- History of Korea Design 1935 ~
- History of Korea Design 1950 ~
- History of Korea Design 1960 ~
- History of Korea Design 1970 ~
- 골목을 보라 ruelles coréennes
Autres signets référentiels
- Signets de la BNF Ensemble de divers sites référentiels à propos d’un thème ou domaine précis. Les signets de la Bibliothèque nationale de France proposent une sélection commentée de ressources accessibles par Internet, choisies par les bibliothécaires de la BnF.
- CEAL – Committee on Korean Materials Portail de très nombreuses références pour l’étude coréenne, classement thématique
- Korean Studies Multimedia Collections (USC Library)
- Signet pour l’histoire de la Corée
- Signet pour le service de texte intégral
Transcription, Romanization Rules
- ALA- LC Rominization Table: Korean (based on the McCune-Reischauer Romanization System)
- Revised Romanization of Korean (Wikipedia)